30 Nov Sewing School in Haiti
Dear Danny and Gino,
My heart is overflowing with joy as I write these words to you. I am in route to Miami after spending an amazing week with my friends in Haiti. I am so very grateful and appreciative to you for equipping us to accomplish such great things in the lives of some wonderful people. There are people in Haiti whose lives will literally never be the same as we leave. We were blessed with so many opportunities to show God’s love and to bring him glory this week as our prayers were answered time and time again. God took your generosity and used it through our team and that is truly humbling.
The minute we arrived at Camatin Orphanage we saw your resources at work. I was led to the sewing school in the basement where I saw beautiful young ladies learning a trade that is giving them a hope for a better life in the future. The garments they were making were amazing and they were very proud to show off their accomplishments. I would be pleased to wear any of the clothes they were creating. They will be selling these and learning business skills as well. Jonise was teaching the class of 12 and his smile and personality were contagious. It is hard for me to explain how rare it is to witness a young Haitian woman learning a trade that fills her with such with hope and confidence.

The Church/School/Community building is overwhelming! A couple of our orphans at Camantin grabbed me by the hand and were very excited to show me their new building. To see a building so striking and well constructed in a community that is so poor … forgive me for being repetitive, is overwhelming. Not only will this be a place where God will be honored and worshipped, but this building serves as a chance for the people of the community to feel human and for all the children in the community to be taught. So many Haitian men were involved in the design and construction of this site, they take ownership and it will remain a building central to the community. We spoke with Pastor Moise and he stands in amazement at what his God has done.
All 35 girls at Camatin are doing very well. To see them putting on weight and walking around clean, healthy, and happy is quite a treat in itself. The real gift is watching them grow more confident in the Lord’s provision of food and a safe place to live. To know the poverty and disease they were rescued from and see the hope that is in their eyes now is again another reason to say thanks for being the instrument that God is using to change lives. I am grateful to you both.
Every trip to Haiti reminds me that I cannot fix this place. Every trip to Haiti reminds me that the hope I have is the same hope that these people have. For you to trust my alliance partners and me with the opportunity to use your generous donation of sewing machines and newborn baby kits make such a difference at Camatin in such a practical way, it’s a beautiful thing. I wanted to shoot these thoughts over to you while they were fresh on my mind. Simply put, my heart overflows with love and thanksgiving. I have included some pictures that I am sure will make you smile.
In His Grip,
Kym Meehan, Haiti Project
The Hope Alliance