Change a Life

Donate Money

We have provided thousands of machines over the past 20 years and nothing helps move our cause forward more than a cash donation to use to buy old machines, refurbish and clean donated items, convert electric to hand-crack machines (work tirelessly undertaken by Gino Rich who has received nothing through the years), get needed parts and accessories including carry on luggage to make international trips and other related costs

Sponsor a Life

Make a donation to help a person get a machine, learn sewing and open a small business. Those who sew learn to develop employable technical and entrepreneurial skills. Sponsorship brings change to more than just one person, the help you provide extends to each person’s family, community and others in need. Donate now to help a person and their family.

Donate a Machine

Do you have an old sewing machine hiding in a closet somewhere? How about mom’s closet or even grandma’s closet? Well, we’d like to put that machine to good use. Any working sewing machine can be put to good use. Some sewing machines will be outfitted with hand cranks for communities without stable electricity. Contact us to arrange to donate your machine. We can’t get to all areas, but we will try.